
The team behind Acqua Foundation comes from diverse backgrounds and experiences and is enriched by our network of artists, communicators, thinkers, community leaders and brands that share the same passion and goals. We are committed to taking positive action and spread our message to the widest public possible.



Cecilia Ago (Co-founder)
Gabriele Bonfiglioli (Co-founder)
Giuseppe di Vita (Co-founder)
Aurelia Musumeci Greco (Co-founder)
Ines Musumeci Greco (President Artistic Committee)
Fernanda Hernández Franco (Advisory Board) 
Rosa Ciacci (Project Coordinator)
Arianna Grava (External Relations)



Our sponsors are private individuals, companies or charity organizations who want contribute financially, or technically to our program, events, or cause.
Supporting the events, exhibitions, and educational initiatives of our Foundation gives our sponsors the opportunity to come in contact with a vibrant and exciting project, and a forward thinking group scientists, artists and opinion leaders.
We offer prime locations during the main artistic events and fairs, in Italy and Europe, an International public and reach, and a dedicated team dedicated to developing the right solution and strategy to best to reach your objectives.